Jon Manack and LEAP Golf events are really truly like no other due to each one delivers a scientifically based system to help you diagnose and eliminate inefficient movement that hurts your golf swing and your body. The response to our events have been extremely enthusiastic:
Dear Jon,
This letter expresses my deep appreciation for the lessons you provided at Legendary Oaks here in Hempstead, Texas. Your approach to teaching the game has the potential of revolutionizing the way golfers learn. Your integration of the physical, mental and technical aspects of teaching and learning golf is superb.
Hopefully you will consider publishing your techniques soon. I have moved from a 32 handicap to a 26 handicap and have not shot above 93 since your lesson. You have laid the foundation for me to progress in improving my swing and my enjoyment of the game. Thank you.
Charles A. Hines, PhD
Major General (Retired), U.S. Army
Golfers will experience a "WOW" factor when attending a clinic or demonstration with Jon Manack. Jon will share information that is neither theory or opinion-based. The information is backed by science and communicated in such a way that there is no misinterpretation. Unlike most instructors, Jon Manack will actually demonstrate why this information is critical to longevity in the sport and why most golfers fail to find a repeating golf swing and truly "pure" it.
Jon Manack is not only an instructor, but also a competitive professional golfer. He holds course records around the country as low as 61 and has been witnessed driving the golf ball over 400 yards on multiple occasions. He is regarded by many of his peers as a world-class ball striker. (view testimonials)
Jon Manack will explain and demonstrate how any golfer can create effortless power and decrease the chance of injury in their golf swing. The information will give golfers something they all strive for... clarity of their own swing mechanics and an understanding of what freedom in the golf swing really feels like.
Corporate Events
• Pre-round Clinic 30 min – 1 hr.
• Basic Instruction and Demonstration
• Half Day Demonstration
• Full Day Demonstration
• "Beat the Pro" 3 – 6 hr.
• Consisting of one Professional Golfer on designated par 3 competing with each consenting individual of each group for closest to the hole. Prizes and proceeds will be up to the discretion of the Tournament Committee.
A Few Topics of Discussion:
• Introduction to why "The System" was created
• Why you are getting the results that you're getting?
• Injury prevention
• How to Compress the golf ball
• "Free up" for distance