Individual Instruction
30 Minute Session
Brief discussion of goals
Evaluation of movement/golf swing
Understanding the consequences of movement and its effects on improving ones ball striking ability and consistency
Education pertaining to ones ingrained movement tendencies and how to become more efficient while using less effort
Prescribed Treatment (Education on positions in the golf swing, movement awareness drills, swing aids and swing thoughts)
Confirmation of students complete understanding of lesson information
60 Minute Session
Brief discussion of goals
Evaluation of movement/golf swing
Understanding the consequences of movement and its effects on improving ones ball striking ability and consistency
Education pertaining to ones ingrained movement tendencies and how to become more efficient while using less effort
Prescribed Treatment (Education on positions in the golf swing, movement awareness drills, swing aids and swing thoughts)
Confirmation of students complete understanding of lesson information
Take home information of lesson (literature and/or video)
90 Minute Session
Brief discussion of goals
Evaluation of movement/golf swing
Understanding the consequences of movement and its effects on improving ones ball striking ability and consistency
Education pertaining to ones ingrained movement tendencies and how to become more efficient while using less effort
Prescribed Treatment (Education on positions in the golf swing, movement awareness drills, swing aids and swing thoughts)
Confirmation of students complete understanding of lesson information
Take home information of lesson (literature and/or video)
*Longer time frames of sessions are available. Please contact Jon Manack directly to schedule.
Series of (5) 60 minute sessions (5 hours)
5 individual one hour lessons
Each followed by a 5 minute overview
9 hole playing lesson (2 1/2 hours)
"What, When, How and Why" – Focus on game management, method of play, club selections and establishing an on course routine for optimal performance.
Student is responsible for green fee and cart fee.
All playing lessons must be set up with Jon Manack directly.
Note: All individual 60 minute or more lessons have the option to include state-of-the-art video analysis.
Lessons, Playing Lessons and Clinics at Other Facilities.
Students wanting instruction at their "home" course must set up with Jon Manack directly. Cooperation and approval from host course and Professional staff in advance is mandatory. There will be an additional "Travel Fee" assessed to the original cost of service and for out of town instruction, expenses during the travel must be covered by the student.
Personalized Video Golf Lesson Review by Jon Manack
Email Jon Manack to set up a Personalized Video Lesson Review today!